Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The More Things Change....

President-elect Obama ran on a platform of change. (Change, change, change, and more change!) So, of course, the first thing he does is surround himself with faces from the past that we all know and love! Everybody from Hilary Clinton, Tom Daschle, and now Leon Panetta. Therefore, we can probably assume that since you see the same old faces, then the approach to our current financial, economic, and political problems will be the same. Whether it’s Democratic or Republican, whether it’s Liberal or Conservative, using the same old solutions for our current problems could be a recipe for failure.

Likewise, using old-school investment techniques (buy and hold) in this day and age could also be a recipe for disaster. The math is really simple. Recently, for 2009, the analysts were predicting $80 per share for the S&P 500. With the S&P currently at approximately 900, that equates to a P/E ratio of approximately eleven, which is the normal P/E ratio for a recession. However, the latest analyst’s viewpoint is that the S&P earnings for 2009 will be approximately $40. Divide 900 by 40, and you’re looking at a P/E ratio of approximately 22. Based upon simple mathematics, and the earnings power of corporations, the stock market is overpriced by half.

Will the stock market go straight down? No. Periodically, there could be bouts of euphoria that could take this market higher. However, as long as the politicians continue the same old approach, it could make for a very difficult 2009. With that said, however, I will continue to trade the market that’s in front of me. Welcome to the New Year!

Till next time,



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