Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of the Union (The Aftermath - A Sampling)

Fact - Senate Democrats will vote today to increase the nation’s debt limit to a record $14.3 trillion, an increase of $1.9 trillion. (So much for Obama’s fiscal responsibility.)

Fact - The total number of people claiming unemployment benefits of any kind in the week ending January 9th was 11.5 million, compared with 12 million people the previous week. (Either 500,000 people found jobs (yeah, right), or 500,000 people exhausted their unemployment benefits.)

Fact - Nancy Pelosi says “If there is a freeze on spending in 2011, why not a 10% cut in defense spending.” (She must think Al-Qaeda will surrender by then.)

Fiction - Senator Barack Obama announced that after nine years George W. Bush is no longer President, and Obama looks forward to running the country and being called “President Barack Obama.”

Till next time,



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1 comment:

Lisa said...

Hi Bill,

I love your radio show but I do have to disagree on the Bush comment. I think the only thing Obama is guilty of is underestimating just how bad bush damaged this country. I think Obama was handed a cruise ship full of holes and sinking fast- about to totally go under. Well, it costs money to fix things so Obama had to spend money to fix some of those holes to stop the ship from going totally under which he did. Now more money has to be spent to keep fixing the rest of the holes to get the ship all the way up and moving forward again. Unfortunately - the passengers are going to have to pay higher ticket prices for a long time to pay to fix all those holes Bush put in the ship. But people in this country are going to have to realize sometime that we can keep having everything and not pay anything or very little for it. If you are going to start 2 wars and give big tax cuts to the rich someone has to pay for it. I know Obama hasn’t done everything right but I don’t see how Obama can be blamed for any of this mess.

And on the Mass election… If she weren’t such a bad candidate and put a little effort into it Scott Brown would not have won. She sucked and still got 47% of the votes - I think that is pretty amazing. All politics is local.
