Friday, December 11, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Dear Clients and Friends,

This has been a difficult year economically and emotionally for many people. In the spirit of holiday giving, all of us here at Eagle Steward LTD. have decided rather than throw a Christmas party for clients or send Christmas gifts to clients, we would like to support an organization that in turn can provide shelter, love and comfort to those in need.

In the past Caprice and her staff have supported the White Mountain Safe House in Pinetop, Arizona, and this year we would like to offer them our support.

White Mountain Safe House is a place where victims of domestic violence can find shelter for up to 120 days, and where families can learn better ways of relating and getting along. Anyone who has been in a situation of physical, emotional or sexual abuse can use the services. Family violence is a way of life. It happens in all religious and ethnic groups and occurs among the rich and poor alike. 95% of all victims are women. Every 12 seconds in America a woman is beaten by her partner. 63% of all boys between the ages of 11 and 20 who commit murder kill the man who abused their mother. Children that observe their parents fighting often exhibit severe emotional/behavioral problems, and children raised in violent homes are 74% more likely to commit assault. Children learn what they live. And in tough economic times, when jobs are lost and money is tight, domestic violence rises.

We believe in not only the sanctuary White Mountain Safe House provides for domestic abuse victims, but also applaud the domestic violence education programs that prepare the residents to break the cycle of fear and abuse by fostering confidence and independence, providing assistance in finding employment and assistance creating an independent living environment that is conducive to the safety for which every mother yearns, and the love and trust every child deserves.

We need your help! On Christmas Eve, Caprice and I will be delivering a Christmas Pajama Tree to the adults and children of this very special shelter. Pajamas and slippers are needed for toddlers, girls and women of all ages, and boys up to the age of 12. On Christmas Eve the women and children will be able to select a gift, your gift, from the tree, and greet Christmas morning wrapped in the fuzzy comfort of warm slippers and cozy flannel and cotton PJ’s. We have set up the Pajama Tree in our office lobby in Phoenix, and you can mail your donations of Pajamas and Slippers between now and December 18th to the following:

Bill Tatro
2701 E Camelback Rd. Ste. 170
Phoenix, AZ 85016

This year we will also be making a financial donation to the Healing Hearts Animal Sanctuary which provides a similar type of shelter and love to abused animals

So please join us in giving of ourselves to those in need, and help us provide love, warmth and a little magic at Christmas.

For you and yours, we wish you a very Merry Christmas, and much Health, Happiness and Prosperity for the New Year.

Eagle Steward LTD

Bill, Caprice, and Staff


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