Thursday, October 29, 2009

GDP Up on Stimulus Kick-In - Hooray, Hooray (Surprise, Surprise) Neville Chamberlin Announces Peace in Our Time - Hooray, Hooray (Surprise, Surprise)

In 1936, Germany re-took the Rhineland, the first move in an attempt to satisfy Hitler’s quest for world domination. The reaction of the free world was mute. In 1938, Hitler started pressing Austrian officials to allow a union between Germany and Austria. Again, a mute reaction from England, the leader of the free world. Austria became a part of Germany in March 1938. The next target for Hitler was obvious, the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia, which was heavily populated by ethnic Germans. England gave a response which commenced a series of high-level negotiations. A few border incidents and heavy sabre rattling resulted in the Munich Agreement, a promise by Hitler to stop rolling through Europe, if handed the Sudetenland. England and France agreed. However, Czechoslovakia, not involved in the negotiations, had a different opinion. Too bad, country lost to Hitler to appease the world.

Neville Chamberlain returned to England and disembarked from his plane holding the agreement that was “symbolic of the desires our two peoples never to go to war again.” In other words, the classic statement, PEACE IN OUR TIME. He was wildly applauded by fellow politicians. The press called him brilliant. And everyone went about their business, and their next cup of tea. Everyone that is, except for Winston Churchill. The rest of the story is history.

It has been said that history does not repeat, it rhymes. This morning, we heard praises from politicians, financial analysts, and television pundits that the recession is over. GDP exceeds expectations, the turnaround is at hand, and happy days are here again. The hand is raised, the paper is shown, and relief is felt. But is it?

Cash for clunkers, housing credits, back-to-school-payouts, and on, and on, and on, lend me to ask: With record infusions of cash by the government, and printing presses running 24/7, 3.5% GDP is the best you can do? What happens when that ends?

The reality can be summed up in two stories this morning. First, 530,000 first-time unemployment checks. That’s another 500,000-plus people (per week) that have lost their jobs. Second, a very well known tire company announced yesterday that a gain of $2 million in the third quarter will ultimately lead to a fourth quarter loss of $123 million. A hidden bombshell finally released to the public. How many more of these little “bombs” will be released in the weeks and months ahead?

People want to see and believe the illusion, because sometimes the reality is too difficult to face. Whether it was Neville Chamberlain and the appeasers of the 1930’s, or the green-shootists of 2009, the ability to understand what is happening allows us to not only prepare, but also to protect, and potentially even thrive when the inevitable occurs.

Yes, the recession could be over. Welcome to a possible depression.

Till next time,



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1 comment:

joylover said...

I like your show, but your using the former president's speech was laughable. Sorry. Medicare has turned or would turn the US into a socialist state? Come on, Bill!

And the government dictating where doctors may practice?

The US is the only western industrialized country where either the government (and it may be local rather than national) or some combination of public-private cooperation does not guarantee all its citizens health care at reasonable prices.

Our health care system is a national disgrace in my opinion. And if you look into the matter, Teddy Roosevelt did have something to say about national health care.

Stanley Naimon