Thursday, February 26, 2009

Please Start Your Homework

When my children were young, one of them (name withheld to protect the innocent), would constantly procrastinate when it came time to do his/her homework.

“Start now,” I would say. “I want to watch T.V.,” he/she would reply.

“It’s time to get to work,” I strongly urged.

“I want to call my friend,” he/she answered.

I said, “Homework now!”

“OK,” he/she replied, “after I play a video game.”

“What is the matter with you?” I softly said. “Are you afraid of tackling the job?” He/she then looked at me, and just shrugged.

And so it is with President Barack Obama. Day, after day, after day, after day, on TV. Speech, after speech, after speech, after speech of how bad things are, and how we must get started on the road to recovery.

However, it seems Obama’s only starting point is to exclaim the same things he said in his campaign speech. Someone should tell him that he won the election, and the campaign is over! It’s time to get into the Oval Office, roll up your sleeves, and start doing some work. However, Barack did just deliver the biggest stimulus package in history that could create the greatest inflationary period our country has ever seen since Jimmy Carter. In addition, Obama also created a budget bill that could create the greatest deficit in history. (In fact, possibly larger than the first seven years of George Bush combined.)

“OK, Barack.” “You can stay on TV. You don’t have to do your homework.”

What a wonderful four years ahead, and we aren’t even through the first quarter yet.

Till next time,


Afterthought – As an American, I detest the road we’re going down. As a money manager, because of its predictability and inevitability, I love it. (Short, short, short, short, short, short, treasuries)


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